Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.
- We would like all saints to check their contact information to update the phone list. Please come by the table next to the bookroom to make updates.
- We will continue our ministry reading from the Ministry Digest from section 2 “On Knowing the Bible”, covering the chapter, “The Subject, the Central Thought, and the Sections of the Bible.”
- You can subscribe to the Ministry Digest at:
- We have started an English-speaking meeting during the prophesying meeting on the 3rd floor covering important foundational matters. Newer believers are encouraged to join.
- There is a service opportunity to help with the piano service. Please talk to Michael Wang.
- The dates of the Summer School of Truth are Saturday (8/10) – Monday (8/12) in Bellevue, and Friday (8/16) – Lord’s day (8/18) in Seattle.
- Any saints who can serve with SST (host dinners, provide hospitality, small groups, etc.) should sign up at this link:
- We are starting a new Holy Word for Morning Revival on Numbers. Please pick up a copy in the bookroom.
Burdens for Prayer
- Germany
- Everett
- Meeting hall modifications (parking permit)
- Willie and Rosalind in Houston