Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.
- The Wednesday night ministry meeting will resume February 28.
- If you would like a tax report for 2017, please email [email protected]
- We are covering week 3 of the Holy Word for Morning Revival on “The Genuine Church Life”. Copies are available in the bookroom.
- This week we are reading chapter 17 of the Experience of Life on “Reigning”.
- After we finish reading The Experience of Life we will begin reading the Life-Study of Leviticus. The bookroom can collect orders for the life-studies.
- The phone list will be updated shortly. We are going to list the phone numbers for each person in the family; please update the forms with your primary phone number.
- Registration for the high school retreat must be turned in today, payment and parental form can be turned into the bookroom.
- Junior High retreat registration is due February 25.
Burdens for Prayer
- The Lord’s Table meeting
- Germany
- Dormant saints
- Fruit to be borne from Bible distributions in Europe
- London Training Center
- GTCA follow-up with contacts