Announcements for July 18, 2021


  • Summer School of Truth will be held on two weekends, July 30 – August 1 and August 6-8. Registration is due. The online registration links are below:
  • We will shift from monthly hall-cleaning to bi-weekly cleaning as we use the meeting hall more often. We will make this change in July. The young people will coordinate to clean the first floor during the first half of July. The Downtown Chinese-speaking group will clean the second floor.
  • We will continue with week 6 of the Holy Word for Morning Revival “Vital Factors for the Recovery of the Church Life”.  Saints can acquire a copy of the Holy Word for Morning Revival in one of the following ways:
  • We will continue our church ministry reading in the Ministry Digest from Volume 3, Number 5 (fourth week out of four weeks). We strongly recommend that all the saints order the Ministry Digest directly from Living Stream Ministry ( or via DMS (
  • The Life-Study of the Bible radio broadcast is every Lord’s day at 8:30 pm, KGNW 820 AM

Burdens for Prayer

  • Various trials of the saints (health, economic, family, isolation, spiritual attacks, etc.)
  • Transitioning back to in-person meetings
  • Bellevue College
  • College Training
  • COVID situation in Indonesia
  • GTCA (
  • The Gospel to All the Nations
  • Germany
  • Summer activities for the children (6th graders) and young people