Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.
- We will receive hospitality for the Puget Sound conference, please sign up if your family can host.
- A lost and found table is set up, please check for lost items. This week we will make items available to anyone even if the item does not belong to you, but after that we will donate the remaining items.
- A property for a meeting hall has been identified in Fiji, but Fiji is a poor country and the saints there will have difficulty raising the total amount needed. Fiji is strategic and the Lord has used the church there to spread to the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Tonga.
- We are reading chapter 16 of the Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life this week.
- Registration for the live training ends today. Please register with the bookroom. If you would like to ride down to Anaheim in the church van, please sign up.
- We are starting week 1 from the Memorial Day Conference, please pick up a copy in the bookroom.
Burdens for Prayer
- Germany
- Hong Kong
- Meeting hall modifications – finding contractor
- District meeting
- Beginning of the new school year
- Children and YP meetings
- College work coordination