Announcements for October 7, 2018

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • Registration is now open to sign up for the Winter Training in Anaheim. Please sign up with the bookroom.
  • A church van will drive to Anaheim for the winter training. The cost will be $100 to cover gas and leave on Saturday (12/22). If the saints stay in close proximity to the Ministry Conference Center, we can help shuttle to and from the training meetings back to hospitality.
  • Do not park in the Presbyterian lot.
  • The Chevron shuttle service will begin on 10/7. The shuttle will pick you up at 9:25 am and drop you off after the meeting. You can still sign up to park at the Chevron.
  • We will cover week 17 in the HWMR in Leviticus; copies are available in the bookroom.
  • We are reading messages 7 and 8 from the Life-Study of Numbers. The reading schedule is on the table and posted on the church website.
  • There is no Wednesday night ministry meeting webcast this week. The webcast will resume on 10/17.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Sherman traveling to Paraguay
  • England Training Center
  • Germany
  • Meeting hall modifications (parking)