Click here to view or download the announcements for October 8, 2017.
- Registration for the winter training is open and is due by 10/29. Please sign up with the bookroom.
- Saints burdened to financially support Puerto Rico, Mexico, or Houston, can designate a check for “Puerto Rico”, “Mexico”, or “Houston”.
- Parents need to sign in and sign out their children for children’s meetings. Third through sixth grade sign-ins at the multi-purpose room. Please sign out your children immediately after the meeting ends.
- The reading schedule for the book The Experience of Life is now available on the church in Bellevue website ( This week we will finish reading chapter 5, “Dealing With The World”.
- Early registration for the junior high girls retreat is due today, payment can be handled at the bookroom.
- Saturday, October 28th, there will be a lunch and fellowship for younger saints (early 20’s to mid-40’s), please sign up at the counter to RSVP. Location will be announced later.
Burdens for Prayer
- Mexico and Puerto Rico
- Situation in Houston
- Bible distribution in Europe
- Regional conferences in Europe
- Retreats