Announcements for August 20, 2017

Click here to view or download the announcements for August 20, 2017.


  • Children’s meetings will be on break starting this Lord’s day (8/20) and will resume September 10th.
  • We will resume our ministry reading schedule in September with the book The Experience of Life.
  • About 15 saints from Burnaby and a couple from Boise are coming this weekend to visit Bellevue; hospitality is needed. Please contact Tim Washington if your family can offer hospitality.
  • We currently do not have any families to host the Wednesday Night Ministry meeting in Chinese and Korean. If you can host weekly, please contact Atsuo Miyake.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Labor Day conference in Houston
  • Present situation in Germany and Middle East
  • The shepherding of all the saints



Announcements for August 13, 2017

Click here to view or download the announcements for August 13, 2017.


  • The Wednesday night webcast will resume August 23rd.
  • We will resume our ministry reading schedule in September with the book The Experience of Life.
  • Children’s meetings will be on break starting next Lord’s day (8/20) and will resume on September 10th.
  • There will be a love feast next week (8/20) after the Lord’s day meeting.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Labor Day conference in Houston
  • Present situation in Germany and Middle East
  • The shepherding of all the saints

Announcements for August 6, 2017

Click here to view or download the announcements for August 6, 2017.


  • We have nearly 20 saints needing hospitality after the Summer School of Truth. If you can take 2-3 saints, please contact Tim Washington.
  • Next week the overflow from the Summer School of Truth will be here in Bellevue. Please carpool as much as possible or park off site.
  • Saints burdened to financially support the training of saints in East Africa can designate their offering for “East Africa.”

Burdens for Prayer

  • Present situation in Germany and Middle East
  • The shepherding of all the saints
  • Summer School of Truth and Camp Canby

Announcements for July 30, 2017

Click here to view or download the announcements for July 30, 2017.


  • Saints burdened to financially support the training of saints in East Africa can designate their offering for “East Africa.”
  • The ushering and parking brothers will meet today after the Lord’s Day meeting on the second floor.
  • There is a parent’s meeting today for the parents of the junior high and high school students. There are important updates regarding the Summer School of Truth.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Present situation in Germany and Middle East
  • Immigration Training
  • The shepherding of all the saints
  • Summer School of Truth and Camp Canby

Announcements for July 23, 2017

Click here to view or download the announcements for July 23rd, 2017.


  • Serving ones needed for children’s meeting, Bible camp and Camp Canby
  • Saints burdened to financially support the training of saints in East Africa can designate their offering for “East Africa”
  • We are starting a new morning revival this week from the Memorial Day conference, Knowing Life and the Church
  • 28 saints from Richmond, BC are coming next weekend to visit Bellevue; hospitality is needed. Please contact Tim Washington if your family can offer hospitality

Burdens for Prayer

  • Present situation in Germany and Middle East
  • Immigration Training
  • The shepherding of all the saints
  • Bible Camp, Summer School of Truth, and Camp Canby

Announcements for July 9, 2017

Click here to view or download the announcements for July 9th, 2017.


  • Open video training meeting – Message 9 today at 6pm
  • Serving ones needed for children’s meeting, Bible camp and Camp Canby
  • Prayer and coordination on July 16th with all serving ones for the Bible Camp

Burdens for Prayer

  • Present situation in Germany and Middle East
  • The shepherding of all the saints
  • Bible Camp

Announcements for June 18, 2017

Click here to view or download the announcements for June 18th, 2017.


  • This week we are reading The Knowledge of Life, chapter 9.
  • Remember to register with the bookroom for the summer video training, the deadline is June 18, after which there is a late fee.
  • Camp Canby registration due today, June 18.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Present situation in Germany and Middle East
  • The shepherding of all the saints


Announcements for June 11, 2017

  • This week we are reading The Knowledge of Life, chapters 6-8.
  • Remember to register with the bookroom for the summer video training, the deadline is June 18th, after which there is a late fee.
  • Camp Canby registration due June 18.
  • The college training deadline is June 12. High School seniors graduating this year are also encouraged to attend.

Announcements 6.11.2017