Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.
- Bible distribution at Bellevue College will occur next Tuesday (4/10) and Wednesday (4/11) between 9:00 am – 2:30 pm. Please sign up to help pass out Bibles.
- A one-day college outing will be held here in Bellevue on Saturday (4/28), some service will be involved. Please contact Tim Washington if you are available to help.
- Please sign cards for the trainees. A care package will be sent down after April 15.
- We are continuing week 5 in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on “The Crystallization-Study of Leviticus.”
- We will read messages 16-18 in the Life-Study of Leviticus.
- Registration for the Summer Training is due by May 1; please sign up with the bookroom.
Burdens for Prayer
- Germany
- Dormant saints