Announcements for October 6, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • A property for a meeting hall has been identified in Fiji, but Fiji is a poor country and the saints there will have difficulty raising the total amount needed. Fiji is strategic and the Lord has used the church there to spread to the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Tonga.
  • A meeting for all college students has been started on every Monday night and help is needed for meal preparation. Please sign up to help in the rotation. All expenses will be borne by the church.
  • The next meeting to gather and fellowship about the Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life will be Saturday, October 12th at 10:00 am here at the Bellevue meeting hall.
  • We are reading chapter 13 of the Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life this week.
  • The final deadline for high school retreat registration is today.
  • The children’s meeting serving ones will gather for prayer and fellowship (with lunch) after the Lord’s day meeting on October 13th.
  • Registration for the winter training has opened and ends at the end of the month. Please register with the bookroom.
  • There will be a prayer and coordination time for all the saints serving with the business office (including announcements) on Saturday morning (10/26) at 10:00 am.
  • We are covering week 22 (Vol. 4) in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Numbers. Copies are available in the bookroom.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Meeting hall modifications – finding contractor
  • District meeting
  • Beginning of the new school year
  • Retreats
  • Children and YP meetings
  • College work coordination

Announcements for September 29, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • A property for a meeting hall has been identified in Fiji, but Fiji is a poor country and the saints there will have difficulty raising the total amount needed. Fiji is strategic and the Lord has used the church there to spread to the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Tonga.
  • We are reading chapter 12 of the Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life this week. We would like to encourage the reading groups to start again. If you were not in a reading group, we encourage you to join yourself to an existing group or start a new group.
  • Registration for the high school retreat is due today. Final registration (with a late fee) is due by October 6th and will be closed after this date
  • We are covering week 21 (Vol. 4) in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Numbers. Copies are available in the bookroom.
  • The Wednesday night ministry meeting webcast starts at 7:30 pm and will be shown at the following locations:
    • Smith – South Bellevue, (206) 914-3447, in English
    • Chang – Overlake, (425) 830-3900, in Korean
    • Wang – South Bellevue, (425) 653-2249, in Chinese

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Meeting hall modifications – finding contractor
  • District meeting
  • Beginning of the new school year
  • Retreats
  • Children and YP meetings
  • College work coordination

Announcements for September 22, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • We are distributing Bibles at Bellevue College on Tuesday, September 24th and Wednesday, September 25th. The sign up is on the table and we encourage many saints to participate.
  • The church in Berlin has identified a good property for a meeting hall, but there is a financial need to help secure the property. We would like to provide a donation to help meet the Lord’s need in Germany,
  • We are reading chapter 11 of the Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life this week. We would like to encourage the reading groups to start again. If you were not in a reading group, we encourage you to join yourself to an existing group or start a new group.
  • Registration for the junior high retreat is due today. The JH boys retreat is October 11-13, the JH girls retreat is October 25-27. You can register at
  • The high school retreat is October 18-20. Registration for the high school retreat is due September 29th.
  • You can subscribe to the Ministry Digest at:

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Meeting hall modifications – finding contractor
  • District meeting
  • Beginning of the new school year
  • Retreats
  • Children and YP meetings
  • College work coordination

Announcements for September 15, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • We are distributing Bibles at Bellevue College on Tuesday, September 24th and Wednesday, September 25th. The sign up is on the table and we encourage many saints to participate.
  • The church in Berlin has identified a good property for a meeting hall, but there is a financial need to help secure the property. We would like to provide a donation to help meet the Lord’s need in Germany,
  • We are reading chapter 10 of the Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life this week. We would like to encourage the reading groups to start again. If you were not in a reading group, we encourage you to join yourself to an existing group or start a new group.
  • Registration for the junior high retreat is due September 22nd. The JH boys retreat is October 11-13, the JH girls retreat is October 25-27. You can register at
  • The high school retreat is October 18-20. Registration for the high school retreat is due September 29th.
  • We are covering week 19 (Vol. 4) in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Numbers.
  • The Wednesday night ministry meeting resumes this week; the webcast starts at 7:30pm at the following locations:
    • Smith – South Bellevue, (206) 914-3447, in English
    • Chang – Overlake, (425) 830-3900, in Korean
    • Wang – South Bellevue, (425) 653-2249, in Chinese
  • The Thanksgiving conference will be held in Houston, Texas. Reserve hotel rooms now.
  • You can subscribe to the Ministry Digest at:

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Meeting hall modifications – finding contractor
  • District meeting
  • Beginning of the new school year
  • Retreats
  • Children and YP meetings
  • College work coordination

Announcements for September 9, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • The church in Berlin has identified a good property for a meeting hall, but there is a financial need to help secure the property. We would like to provide a donation to help meet the Lord’s need in Germany.
  • Children’s meetings resume today.
  • We will resume our ministry reading with the Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life starting with chapter 10 this week. We would like to encourage the reading groups to start again. We will meet together next Saturday morning (September 14th) at 10:00 am. If you were not in a reading group, we encourage you to join yourself to an existing group or start a new group.
  • Registration for the junior high retreat is due September 22nd. The JH boys retreat is October 11-13, the JH girls retreat is October 25-27. You can register at
  • The high school retreat is October 18-20. Registration for the high school retreat is due September 29th.
  • The foundational truths meeting will start at 11 am on the third floor after the break.
  • We are covering week 18 in Holy Word for Morning Revival on Numbers.
  • The Thanksgiving conference will be held in Houston, Texas. Reserve hotel rooms now.
  • You can subscribe to the Ministry Digest at

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Meeting hall modifications – finding contractor
  • District meeting
  • Beginning of the new school year
  • Retreats
  • Children and YP meetings
  • College work coordination

Announcements for September 1, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • The church in Berlin has identified a good property for a meeting hall, but there is a financial need to help secure the property. We would like to provide a donation to help meet the Lord’s need in Germany.
  • Children’s meetings are on break until September 8th. Children need to sit with their parents during the meetings.
  • The Thanksgiving conference will be held in Houston, Texas. Reserve hotel rooms now.
  • We will continue our ministry reading from the Ministry Digest from section 4 “The High Peak of the Divine Revelation”, covering the chapter, “The Reality of the Body of Christ (2)”
  • You can subscribe to the Ministry Digest at:
  • After this week, we will resume our ministry reading with the Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life starting with chapter 10. We would like to encourage the reading groups to start again. We will meet together Saturday morning on September 14th, 10:00 am.
  • The foundational truths meeting will not meet today. The next meeting will be next week on the third floor after the break.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Meeting hall modifications – finding contractor
  • District meeting
  • Beginning of the new school year
  • Retreats
  • Children and YP meetings
  • College work coordination

Announcements for August 25, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • The church in Berlin has identified a good property for a meeting hall, but there is a financial need to help secure the property. We would like to provide a donation to help meet the Lord’s need in Germany.
  • Children’s meetings are on break until September 8. Children need to sit with their parents during the meetings.
  • The Thanksgiving conference will be held in Houston, Texas. Reserve hotel rooms now.
  • We will continue our ministry reading from the Ministry Digest from section 4 “The High Peak of the Divine Revelation”, covering the chapter, “The Reality of the Body of Christ (1)”
  • You can subscribe to the Ministry Digest at:
  • The foundational truths meeting will not meet today. Next meeting will be next week on the third floor after the break.
  • We are covering week 16 (Vol.3, Ch. 4) in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Numbers.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Meeting hall modifications – finding contractor
  • Beginning of the new school year
  • Retreats
  • Children and YP meetings
  • College work coordination

Announcements for August 18, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • The church in Berlin has identified a good property for a meeting hall, but there is a financial need to help secure the property. We would like to provide a donation to help meet the Lord’s need in Germany.
  • We would like all saints to check their contact information to update the phone list. Please come by the table next to the bookroom to make updates.
  • Children’s meetings are on break until September 8. Children need to sit with their parents during the meetings.
  • The Thanksgiving conference will be held in Houston, Texas. Reserve hotel rooms now.
  • We will continue our ministry reading from the Ministry Digest from section 4 “The High Peak of the Divine Revelation”, covering the chapter, “The High Peak of the Vision (2)”
  • You can subscribe to the Ministry Digest at:
  • The foundational truths meeting will continue again today on the third floor after the break.
  • There is a service opportunity to help with the piano service. Please talk to Michael Wang.
  • We are covering week 3 in Holy Word for Morning Revival on Numbers.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Everett
  • Ethiopia
  • Summer School of Truth
  • Meeting hall modifications (parking permit)
  • Willie and Rosalind in Houston

Announcements for August 11, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • We would like all saints to check their contact information to update the phone list. Please come by the table next to the bookroom to make updates.
  • We will continue our ministry reading from the Ministry Digest from section 4 “The High Peak of the Divine Revelation”, covering the chapter, “The High Peak of the Vision (1)”
  • You can subscribe to the Ministry Digest at:
  • No new believers meeting this morning; we will meet again next week.
  • There is a service opportunity to help with the piano service. Please talk to Michael Wang.
  • Summer School of Truth continues in Bellevue through tomorrow (8/12) and continue Friday in Seattle and conclude Lord’s day (8/18).
  • We are covering week 2 in Holy Word for Morning Revival on Numbers. Please pick up a copy in the bookroom.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Everett
  • Ethiopia
  • Summer School of Truth
  • Meeting hall modifications (parking permit)
  • Willie and Rosalind in Houston

Announcements for August 4, 2019

Click here to view or download the announcements for this week.


  • We would like all saints to check their contact information to update the phone list. Please come by the table next to the bookroom to make updates.
  • We will continue our ministry reading from the Ministry Digest from section 2 “On Knowing the Bible”, covering the chapter, “The Subject, the Central Thought, and the Sections of the Bible.”
  • You can subscribe to the Ministry Digest at:
  • We have started an English-speaking meeting during the prophesying meeting on the 3rd floor covering important foundational matters. Newer believers are encouraged to join.
  • There is a service opportunity to help with the piano service. Please talk to Michael Wang.
  • The dates of the Summer School of Truth are Saturday (8/10) – Monday (8/12) in Bellevue, and Friday (8/16) – Lord’s day (8/18) in Seattle.
  • Any saints who can serve with SST (host dinners, provide hospitality, small groups, etc.) should sign up at this link:
  • We are starting a new Holy Word for Morning Revival on Numbers. Please pick up a copy in the bookroom.

Burdens for Prayer

  • Germany
  • Everett
  • Meeting hall modifications (parking permit)
  • Willie and Rosalind in Houston